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Get your first HAM Radio FCC license ( Technician Class ); all privileges above 50 MHz ( VHF & UHF) ----- Get your second HAM Radio FCC license ( General Class ); All operating modes & majority of the amateur spectrum below 30 MHz ( HF ) ----- Get your third and final HAM Radio FCC license ( Extra Class ); ALL privileges ( frequencies & modes ) granted to Amateur Radio Operators.                                   Visit VE3EN's SolarHam.net for complete Solar Data of interest to HAMS.


The OH73ELK Ham Holiday Shack located in the quietness of Finnish woods. You will enjoy a relaxing time with your hobby in a stress free and QRM free environment

- Fullsize yagi beam 20-15-10m bands, built and installed by OH7RM
- Kelemen 160/80, Inv-V 80; Kelemen 40/20, GP 40/20, GP 40 elevated, Inv-V 30, DX Commander (WARC)

Installation of own antennas is possible for your experiments. Hoisting ropes are already installed.

Radio Shack:
- transceiver IC-7300, all HF bands, digital interface included, IC-2725 Dual band FM (donated by DG5NGS)
- ICOM SM30, Headsets : HEIL PROSET IC, HEIL BM-10 iC, footswitch HEIL FS-3, RigExpert ANT analyzer
- CW Key (OH73ELK special edition) made by RA1AOM : base is made out of Ural stone, the mechanism has a magnetic return
- SWR&Power Meter Daiwa CN-501H2, antenna switch RQUAD for 8 antennas; rotator Yaesu G-1000DXA
- ACOM 2000A amplifier 1.5 kW : on special agreement

Contest Call: OG7Z

The Cottage

A lovely traditional wooden holiday cottage built by Honka with all modern conveniences.

This rental QTH is available for up to 6 persons all year round. <<<<<=====

Sleeping areas: downstairs - 2 separate bedrooms + sofa bed in the huge livingroom.

Upstairs - one more separate bedroom with Radio Shack.

The price of the cottage rental changes depending on the duration and time of year of your stay and how many guests you have.

Unlimited Wi-Fi (50 Mbps), Smart TV, use of the separate sauna, Grill-Pavillon, firewood, Boat (Yamaha motor on agreement), SUP board, fishing poles and other perks are included in the price.

No additional charge for the use of Ham Shack. <<<<<<<=======

About us and this project

Hi, we are Raisa and Alex. We would be happy to help you with any information you might need about your stay in Finland.

Please send any questions (GER/ENG) to OH73ELK@gmail.com and you will receive a personal message from us.

For more information see OH73ELK WEB SITE.

We both are Radio Amateurs and specialize also in ARDF - an adventurous Radiosport combining technical knowledge and fitness.

Take a look at:

RAISA.blog - a personal project of YL Raisa to demonstrate that our hobby is modern, fascinating and not only for men. Raisa wants her contribution go towards helping Ham Radio grow and become more popular around the world.

OH73ELK Facebook - a Community Page of Amateur Radio Island.

73 from the Land of Elks and Lakes!

P.S. Elk is one of the national symbols of Finland. The new callsign OH73ELK symbolizes this beautiful animal ;-)


Real time Day/Night image below courtesy of FOURMILAB

Earth Day-Night Map

Solar Data & Images below courtesy of N0NBH

Solar-Terrestrial Images and Data on this site are courtesy of:

Data for VHF Conditions is from DXrobot - Gouda , Make More Miles on VHF , and Andy (G7IZU) (all used with permission).

Data for Solar Flare Probability is from University of Bradford (used with permission).

Data for solar data and conditions from NOAA SWPC , solar flux from Space WX Canada , solar images from NASA , and world map/globes/solar system from FOURMILAB (credit given).

This website is hosted on GREEN GEEKS HOSTING

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